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My indoor and outdoor installations are usually colorful and uplifting, sometimes involving my patterns, and often enhancing the surrounding environment. I generally construct these pieces out of foam or paper. They're all very simple and light in weight.

These short videos serve as a
fun introduction to some of my
installation pieces.

Happy viewing.


Mount Desert Island in Maine is a picture-perfect location for

pop-up installations of my artsy projects.

A bright, breezy, and brief look at some of the artsy projects that I've been creating during the snowy winter months.

My vivid Foam Forms sculpture toy makes it easy for everyone to create fun abstract sculpture thingies.

A public-service message for the sad, sad, sad group of people known as ADULTS. Pity them because they no longer remember how to creatively play.

Nine inches of fresh snow fell, and I couldn't resist adding some vibrant color with my Snow Waves. Each segment of cut-and-glued foam is approximately three feet long. The snow is holding the overlapping pieces in place. It's fun to play in the snow!

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